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Turn the Tables on Balance Issues

a person with balance issues

If your world spins with balance issues, know you’re not alone.

A study of Balance Disorder Trends in the US pointed to an increase of reported balance issues in 2008 (24.16 million) ‐ 2016 (36.78 million). In the same study, “adults with balance problems were limited in ability to drive motor vehicles (13.0%), exercise (14.4%), participate in social activities (12.9%), or walk downstairs (12.8%)”. As you age, balance disorder often leads to falls. According to the CDC’s 2020 statistics, over one million older Texans reported falling.

Which brings us to Balance Awareness Week. raises awareness about balance-related disorders like vertigo, Meniere’s disease, and vestibular migraines. The purpose is to make sure that people suffering from these often debilitating conditions get diagnosed quicker and manage their symptoms.

What causes balance issues?

How can physical therapy help you with balance issues?

Using Bowman Physical Therapy for balance issues is like hiring a personal trainer for your vestibular system and musculoskeletal mechanics. Let’s break down how we help:

Balance Issues and the Importance of a Fall Risk Assessment 

Our fall risk assessment hunts for factors that make you more likely to take a spill. The assessment evaluates multiple aspects like your medical history, medication usage, physical capabilities, and environmental factors. Here’s why it’s not to be brushed off:

In a nutshell, a fall risk assessment can stave off future catastrophe. Falling isn’t just about a bruised ego. Falling can lead to fractures, hospital stays, and a downward health spiral. So, consider a fall risk assessment as you would a fire alarm: it’s a necessity that can save your life.

The upshot? We don’t  just put a bandage on your balance problem; we get to the root of it. Whether it’s faulty mechanics, weak muscles, or a compromised vestibular system, we’ll  help you tackle balance issues head-on. So, if you feel wobbly on your feet, contact Bowman Physical Therapy and get yourself back in balance.

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